Wild Mama

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You Have The Power To Change Your Life

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You have the power to change your life. Period. No matter what anyone says or how much you do or don’t believe in yourself, you have the power to change your life, circumstances, beliefs, habits, trajectory, etc... And in my opinion, you not only have the power but the responsibility. ⁣

If your life and what you’re doing right now don’t line up with the soul urges you have inside, then you’re blocking yourself & the world from experiencing what you are uniquely here to express in this life. Point blank.⁣

Take it from me. For a long time I felt I was a victim of my circumstances & upbringing. I felt cursed & like everything was against me. As soon as I seemed to come above water, the universe would knock me right back down. Or so I felt. I was mad & resentful because I felt a greatness inside of me but that everything in my life was set up AGAINST me and that I was destined to fail. It was torture & I had plenty to blame. ⁣

For awhile it was my dad because he wasn’t there for me and was in prison most my life. ⁣

Then it was my sister because she was a bully, master manipulator, & made me feel like shit about myself. ⁣

Then it was my mom because she was a single mom, couldn’t protect nor provide for me, & eventually passed away. ⁣

Then it was the cult that preyed on my vulnerability at 17, arranged my marriage at 20…AND SO ON...⁣

The point is, I have endless reasons to be pissed & upset at life. But real talk, blaming others and being the victim never solved anything for me even if all that happened to me was fucked up. I was still miserable & upset, left with untapped greatness & regret. ⁣

UNTIL I was able to look at myself and take personal responsibility for my life.⁣

I had to learn to focus on what I could control and operate from an empowered place vs what I couldn't control and operate from a dis-empowered place. ⁣

So, when you feel completely lost or depressed and feel like you don’t have the power to change your life or circumstances, remember this:⁣

👊🏽You DO have the power, ⁣

🙋🏽‍♀️Be willing to take personal responsibility, ⁣

👉🏽Focus on what YOU can control, &⁣

🙏🏽Operate from an empowered place⁣