Wild Mama

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Planning Is Sacred

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One motto David & I are holding to this year is that “Planning Is Sacred”. We are a blended family of 5, we have a 1 year old who stays home with us, we have multiple businesses and projects going at any given time, our two oldest go between our house and their dads every week (yes the baby daddy also moved to Hawai’i ✊🏽🙌🏽💥👊🏽) and we also want and need personal time to rest, restore, rejuvenate, and have fun. If we don’t plan, our life becomes inundated by all the tasks that can easily kill our joy & suck our energy. ⁣⁣

For example, cooking dinner every night was hell for awhile. We’d have no plan and at 4 or 4:30 always be asking each other what we should eat when we are hangry and tired. We knew it wasn’t the best system but we hadn’t taken the time to really change it. Making decisions like that suuuucks.🤦🏽‍♀️⁣⁣

Now, every Saturday, we make a weekly family plan that has the plan for the kids, what to pack for their lunch, our work schedule and shifts with Lotus, and our daily dinner meal. We then shop according to the meal plan and share the plan with the kids dad so it’s clear and there are no questions.⁣⁣

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Every morning I wake up at 2:30am to have 3-4 hours to myself to meditate, journal, and work on Wild Mama or other projects. Then I work again in the afternoon. By 7pm, I’m in bed.

When you have a vision and lifestyle goal, it doesn’t just happen. It requires you to align your life, day to day schedule, & habits and routines to it. You can’t expect things in your life to just change because that’s what you want. You have to do the work to figure out what the ideal alignment is that honors all involved and strives for balance. It’s an intricate system that requires commitment, discipline, love, care, and a willingness to fail and keep figuring it out until you get there.⁣⁣

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Big life changes are the culmination of a series of life changing decisions that are aligned to your values that you make DAILY. It’s about consistency. ⁣⁣

Creating the life you want requires an unwavering commitment to yourself and your vision. ⁣⁣

So, are you in?!👊🏽